Starry Mic's Solo Web Space

Baby's first blog post


I'm not much of a writer. At all. Writing is actually quite hard for me because while I can speak coherently, even sometimes pulling a random big brain quote out of my ass, I'm not the best with writing.

Writing is more involved than speaking. I can speak English fluently since I'm a natural 'merican. My home state, the lone star state, shines in my veins as it does in the night sky. It kinda hurts ngl.

It feels wrong to speak a sentence without any of my Texan mannerisms. To not say "Howdy" to someone passing by feels so wrong.

Unfortunately, not all teachers in my time have been fine with this way of speaking. A bunch of my teachers think apostrophes are a sin and words should never be shortened, but I think that's stupid.

Though I should mention that this isn't to shit on my English teachers. They were all lovely and were very helpful while my ADHD ass couldn't sit and write for shit.

Guess this is all to say that while I suck ass at writing, I do want to make this a somewhat frequently updated page.

Also, fuck you WebStorm. You are wrong >:[

Hope y'all are having a good day.

If you're not having a good day, then please watch this clip from Tomatoanus on Youtube. Most of his videos contain a section where he talks to the audience and reminds them that whatever is going on in their life will pass.

Here's the link: Tomatoanus Speech

Take care everyone! <3