Starry Mic's Solo Web Space

How does one write a blog?

(and other general ramblings)


No really. How?

If you read the last post, it's quite clear that I don't have a clue how to write one of these. The previous post I made was me spit-balling at the time and hoping that something somewhat meaningful comes out of it. That's not to say that the previous post was as good as null, but it was kinda clear I had no clue what I was doing.

Nothing has changed in that regard.

I know that making a blog is for making personal posts about life and how things are going, what I'm working on, major life events, but I don't really have much happening at the moment.

Well that's a lie.

There's a non-zero chance I may be working under my dad at the company he works at! That's quite exciting! Hopefully everything there works out because I need a bone thrown to me rn.

Finding a programming job when you have no experience is like being a beggar.

Feels like I'm on my knees in front of a Walmart yelling to the people passing by "OH PLEASE! PLEASE!!! HIRE ME!" like I'm a lunatic hoping that screaming to the wind will get me what I want.

That's why I'm hoping that this all works out how I want it to, because there is a precedent of allowing for apprentices there, meaning I have a chance to finally get some work experience at a programming job under my belt.

Well I think that is all I've got for now. I kinda forgot about the blog page for a bit there, hence why it's been quite a while since the last post.

I hope you're doing alright.
If not then please remember that those feelings will pass, and they won't last forever.

You're stronger than you think you are. I believe in you. <3

Here's Tomatoanus' speech if you need it.