Starry Mic's Solo Web Space

Wow, it has been a bit...


It's been a couple of months since I've last posted here and I have a legit reason.

Life has been filled with personal stuff recently. Primarily college.

I started going to college about 3 weeks ago, and I feel like I've been missing out this whole time.

This has been such a big change in my life, and I feel really foolish for not going to college sooner, especially with TN Promise helping me.

Unfortunately, I waited too long after graduating from high school, so I'm not covered under TN Promise.

Overall, this is something I should've done much sooner. It has been a change for the better, and it feels like I'm actually making progress in getting into the programming field.

The teacher I've got for both CompSci and Math for CompSci is autistic and ADHD as hell, and he is just a joy to be around. He gets distracted easily, but he encourages us to interrupt him if we don't understand anything or if he gets off track.

Oh yea. And I've started another game project!

I've already talked about this game project quite a bit on the discord, a little on Twitter, and mostly to close friends, but I've not posted about it here since I honestly forgot about this site for a bit.

The game I'm making is a remake/homage to the Half-Life 2 mod "Too Many Crates!"

Currently, I have a player character, a simple weapon mechanic, destructible objects, and a janky logic system I'm trying to model after how Hammer's I/O system works.

The source code for the project can be found here if you want to build it and take a peek. Sound effects and other similar files are not uploaded to the github due to file size and copyright. Once I get some of that all sorted, then they will be uploaded.

Recently I've been working on making textures for the environments, and it's been a huge pain in the ass. I'm not a texture artist, or an artist at all, so making textures for the game is a pain. I've been using Pixel Composer to help with making textures since it has a lot of neat nodes for doing procedural textures.

Maps are being made with J.A.C.K. and sounds are being used from various online libraries wherever I can find them. The credits file hasn't been uploaded to the github as of the making of this blog, but will be added in the near future.

As always, I hope you're having a good day.

If you're not, please just remember that whatever negative feelings you're going through now will not last forever. You are a strong viking wading through troublesome waters, and it can only rain for so long before the storm calms down. Keep pushing through. Keep moving one step at a time. Refuse to fall over. Refuse to accept defeat. No matter how much you're pushed, get back up. Stand up once more and fight. It's your life, and nothing can take that away from you.

I love you. I hope you're doing alright, dear viewer. Take care of yourself and we'll talk again soon! <3